Thursday, July 25, 2013

LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Infant at 20 Weeks

Recently on Facebook I was involved in a heated discussion about the sensitive issue of abortion.  I was viewed as the "Evil-Republican-Man" that wants to force women to suffer through unwanted pregnancy.  Yes I do not support abortion, I feel it is destroying innocent lives, and I am appalled that the very people who often promote it complain about the "murder" we commit in war.  I think the more despicable murder is committed against innocent unborn children.
 After Texas passed the most restrictive abortion law in America, I became curious again about a subject that is often pushed into the background.  Is an unborn fetus a life? Texas now mandates that a woman cannot have an abortion after twenty weeks of pregnancy.  I looked into how far developed a fetus is at twenty weeks.  At this time in a pregnancy the baby could possibly be born and survive.  The baby can recognize its mothers voice.  It has developed taste-buds, and often pulls faces when the mother eats something unpleasant.  I do not understand how this law is controversial.  If a woman allows her pregnancy to last twenty weeks before choosing an abortion it is too late.  It is obvious that a baby is alive at this stage, and is aware of its five senses.
Abortion is murder, and I intend to protect the right all Americans have of LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Women say that it is her body and nobody has the right to choose what she does with her body.  I challenge this, it is not just her body, there is a human being that has no voice that is the victim of this disgusting choice.
I find it interesting that the same liberals that tell conservatives to stop getting involved in their personal health, often support the Affordable Care Act.  Obamacare is nothing but your government inserting itself between you and your doctor.  I said it before and I will say it again.  Abortion is filth.  I am proud to be pro-life.  If we think about it, what are you if you aren't pro-life?  Pro-death.  Human life needs to be valued, and I am grateful my Mom made the choice to keep me. 
-Christopher D. Richardson

Monday, July 15, 2013

Liberty is Back!

It has been a long time since Title of Liberty has had a published article, well I'm glad to be back.  Here I will set out to express my right to free speech, and provide conservative insight on the issues facing our States, Nation, and the World.  You are welcome to follow me, and comment on each article.  I will never suppress your right to praise or hate the comments made in this blog.  So here we go.  I hope you decide to follow.  I will try to keep my conservative rantings to a minimum on Facebook, that way my dear friends can skip over any comments that possibly may offend them.  I can't control peoples decision to be offended, but I will do my best to keep positive.  There will be no set schedule to postings, they may come in groups or single posts on occasion.

It's good to be back,
Christopher D. Richardson